Haiti, Ile a Vache - Extraordinary dinner experience

Sans Peur
Grete & Fred Vithen
Wed 16 May 2018 20:55
Yesterday we have booked dinner together with sailors on two other sailing yachts.
Roger from Sweden (hes been here for six weeks now), Mel & Caryn from Australia and the two of us.
Dudu & wife will cook for us. There are lobster, fish or chicken on the menu.
We have choosen fish.
And there is nice local beer, just one dollar😁.
Haiti is very much French inspired. They speak creol, some kind of French.
Imposible for us to communicate.
It was a wonderful experience ...
The "diver" close to our yacht probably supported with the fish. Not big but nice, tasty and easy to eat. "Bog" bones.
Yes that rubble of stones is the kitchen.
The surroundings are like a natural garden ... mango trees, papaya, ... the are growing manioc ...
They have a cow, a dog, some cheep, chickens ...
It's a big family living in this house with a very nice couple as the rulers. Most parts of their house are beds. They are proud that they have beds for everyone in the family.
They have four four kids but also cousins to take care of.
A lot of smiles. Living on very small means, in harmony with nature, close quarters ... but they seem somehow to be happy and content.
Today DoDo and his wife visited us in the bay. Approaching us in their dugout canoe.
We tried to find "gifts" for them. Like ropes, knives, some clothes, a bit of food, ... Eye drops for someone who was in pain...They where shining.
It's not very often you really feel like Santa, but today was one of these days.
Now we do not have anything more to give away.