Entering Montenegro

Sans Peur
Grete & Fred Vithen
Fri 12 May 2017 19:41
Bar (what a name for a westerner, no the whole place is not just a bar)
42 05 47 N 19 05 23 E Bar, Montenegro
The Predictwind forecast was just another weather joke, seems to happen more often then less, at least to us.
Early start at 5, no trouble.
Then just outside the harbour we had between 25 to 30 of winds, of course from the wrong direction, then the bloody Sahara rain hit us.
The whole boat is painted with this clay sticking dust.
Next winds dies and the rain stops (after been painting the whole boat in desert brown).
There is another 50 Nm to go, means at least 10 hours.
Now we are expecting wind, no wind but a lot of huge swell.
Predicting wind in the Med ...
Anyway we had a free roller coaster ride, 10 hours, of rock and roll.
Feels like our whole body and brain been in a blender or a drier for some time.
SOOOO happy to be in the main harbour of Montenegro. No scary swell anymore ... (you do NOT need get to an expensive Gym living on an serious adventure yacht).
At 16 hours we reached a calm water surface finally. Every time you feel so reliefed. In a good way.
Sometimes it's a challenge although you know you have one of the best adventure yachts ever built.
The Mother Ocean (Earth?) is still something mankind can not manage. Out there ... nature is powerful, still untamed ... and beautiful ... you cope with it love or hate it ... strange ...
Anyway for us, having a sailing yacht, menas that we can reach odd places ... some times it's good and ...
Reaching the major port of Montenegro, Bar, and calm waters. Yes!
Slowly making our way into the harbour. No one on VHF 16.
Finally we are slowly getting along side the customs jetty. No body around.
Some papers works need to be done. Clearing in ...
Harbour master, not in the harbour, still nice, when you manage to find his office.
The most extensive paperwork since we left The Netherlands, copiening every document around.
Passports, registry of yacht, insurance, diplomas of captain, ...
Copying, scanning ... at the end we have to buy a Vignette valid for a month, total cost for all administration, 100 Euro.
They use Euro in this country (smart guys, before it was German Marks).
Time for a GT, as always, when safe in harbour. Fanny it seems like you have to take your time to adjust to solid ground.
Moored, still it feels that everything is in motion. Strange.
We take a stroll along the leisure part of the marina and ends up the Marina restaurang overlooking the harbour.
No expectations.
Food is excellent, service perfect, Montenegro white wine (the cheapest, house wine in a carafe) really good ... for 50 E we got un incredible good dining experience.
With perfect view and fast internet.
And served with something we ever experienced before, ever.

For a few scary seconds we where thinking that we where going to eat/drink these lovely creatures.
... it was 'just' an decoration.
No way we could harm these lovely creatures.