Sopromar Boatyard, on the hard

Sans Peur
Grete & Fred Vithen
Sat 23 Sep 2017 07:18
37 06 44N 08 40 23W Sopromar Boatyard, Lagos 18-27 September
The whole boat is upside down.

The last 5 days we have been cleaning, sanding, ....
A new salt water pump was also fitted yesterday (did it myself, not to hard).

We had the whole standing rig checked by authorized people from Selden.
The also replaced the infurling main loop.

Everything is in perfect condition. "Almost like new" according to them. Good to now.
Today we will start to paint the hull. There is 15 liters of black Trilux33 antifouling.
We like Lagos a lot. And the weather is perfect. Blue skies and sun every day and not to hot.
We are really sleeping like logs.