Lagos - Last port on the mainland Europe

Sans Peur
Grete & Fred Vithen
Sat 16 Sep 2017 13:00
37 06 42N 08 40 43W Lagos, 16 September
We arrived on a Saturday. Which meant that boatyard Sopromar was closed. Not good.
Due to very strong wind and that Sopromar was closed we now have to wait until Monday
moored on a waiting pontoon in the channel.
The charge us 70 Euro / night for this.
Anyway we are very very happy to be here safely moored.
In the evening there was, of course, grilled proper size sardines. Mums.

Approaching Lagos. Water temperature around 20 C. Strong wind the whole day and of course in the nose.

Entrance to Marina de Lagos and Sopromar Boatyard.

Here we are now.