Time to leave Italy for Spain

Sans Peur
Grete & Fred Vithen
Sat 12 Aug 2017 18:18
38 53 55N 08 48 18E Tuarredda, at anchor
After a few days of resting and preparing we are now on our way to Spain.
This will be our last "port" in Italy.
Mistral is a crazy wind. Today we had winds between 5 and 45 knots from 3 different directions.
We sailed the 27 Nm from Cagliari to our anchorage.
A lot of sail handling. At some point we had three reefs in main and yankee.
And the very last few Nm just the cutter, 15 m2.
According to Predict Wind there will be a wind change during the night.
We really need the wind with us during our 220 Nm passage to Menorca.
I will take us about 44 hours and 2 nights.
Really looking forward to Spain now.

Worst marina rip off marina experinece so far in 3,5 years of sailing.
Portus Karalis. Do not go there.
Ridiculous expensive for a "parking lot", 340 Euro for three nights!!!!
One toilet for 114 yachts, on top off that no toilet paper, 2 showers that you have to pay extra for,
no security, very arrogant reception staff, ... whats wrong with Italy when it comes to sailing???
Been there, done that.

This was on the other hand something really nice.
Japanese restaurang, all you could eat, 15 Euro.
And it was just fantastic.
Now we are longing for some nice Spanish food and wines.