3 of March - Going through The Heads

Sans Peur
Grete & Fred Vithen
Tue 16 Mar 2021 03:38
The Rip", also known as "The Heads", is the narrow waterway entrance connecting the Bass Strait to the bay of Port Phillip in southern Victoria, Australia, and is the only route of maritime transport into Port Phillip and thus seaport access into Melbourne and Geelong, Victoria's two largest cities. Because of large tidal flows through the relatively narrow channel from the bay to the ocean, and a high rocky seabed, The Rip is a dangerous stretch of water and has claimed many ships and lives. Geographically, it is the roughly triangular area of water between the land points of Point Nepean on the Mornington Peninsula, Shortlands Bluff and Point Lonsdale on the Bellarine Peninsula, with these three forming The Heads.

At 06 we leave Queenscliff Yacht Club, heading for The Heads.
It is still dark and we are a bit nervous. Another yacht is going out too, it’s Mico, we can see it on our AIS.
Everything vent well, we had good speed, Mr Perkins had to do some serious work, and he did. The rest of the day was rough. Big waves, but we know that Bass Strait is a horrible place to be. When we reach Eden we will be in much calmer waters.
Our destination for this day was Refuge Cove. Because of good speed we arrived at 02.00 in the morning!! We have been there before so we knew how it looked like, and we hoped the moon would keep ”shining” but no, the moon dissapeared.
Thanks to ”Big Berta” our super torch we could navigate safe into the bay. No other boats, thank God! We just dropped the anchor in the middle of the bay, no wind just a beautiful silence. Pjew what a day!! Not exactly a walk in the park.
A glas of wine and then into bed.