Barahona - Excursion to Lago Enriquillo

Sans Peur
Grete & Fred Vithen
Fri 11 May 2018 13:22
18 12 41N 71 05 29W Barahona 10-12/5 (at anchor)
Together with Mel & Caryn (S/Y Passages from Australia) we make a full day excursion to Lago Enriquillo.
It's a salt water lake inhabited by crocodiles. And a large number of iguanas.
This is also the lowest point in the Caribbean lying 39 m below sea level.
The town itself is poor and run down.
This will be our last stop in Dominican Republic.
Next Haiti a night sail away. This is the second country on this big island, Hispaniola.
We will stop at Ile a Vache (yes it's an island, a small one).