Fournoi back to Patmos

Sans Peur
Grete & Fred Vithen
Tue 9 Aug 2022 09:23
37 33 59N 26 29 21E Anchored in a bay on the island Fournai
From Samos to Founai we motor-sailed. It took us 6 hours to get there and to find the right sheltered bay.
We just stayed 1 night. In the afternoon a Swedish motoryacht arrived, Timeless. Camilla and Magnus invited us for a sundowner.
Some nice wine and plenty of laughs. Nice! And what a yacht, a floating house.
Next morning we motored to Ikaria. Meltemi was blowing crazy, 30-40 knots. There was no way to find shelter there the closer to the shore we came the more it was blowing.
This meant that we skipped Ikaria and went back to Patmos, with the wind. Finally a couple of hours of sailing.
Now we are anchored in the same bay as we where last time. We like it.
Tomorrow we will sail to the island Levitha.