Mangalia, Romania - Change of plans (again)

Sans Peur
Grete & Fred Vithen
Sat 4 Jul 2015 10:05
43 48 45N 28 35 11E 4-5 July, Mangalia
Due to a rough weather forecast we decided to got to Mangalia which is still Romania, only 31 Nm, and clear out from there into Bulgaria.
Big sea and good winds from right direction. Motor plus jib, about 8 knots speed.
Thunderstorm and rain was reported ... but no.
It was a bit rock and role, but Sans Peur behaves very well. We need to do our lesson better when it comes to preparing the boat for the open sea.
A lot of stuff was flying around and there was a lot of sounds from the kitchen when glasses and plates was moving around.
No damages though.
Tomorrow there will be about 40 Nm to go, 6-7 hours of sailing.