Tahiti, Taravao Marina - After 4 months we are back. Thank You! Käthe and Bengt has been looking after Sans Peu r (

Sans Peur
Grete & Fred Vithen
Tue 23 Apr 2019 02:02
Melbourne (Christmas with family) - Byron Bay (New Year. Thank you Max) - Bangkok (Fred got a new ear) - Koh Samui (tourist ghetto) - Ralei Beach (over crowded) - Langkawi (awful but very cheap tax free booze) - Penang (nice to be back) - KL (we like China Town & best place to get any computer issues taken care off) - Bali (Denpasar, do not go there. Ubud is still a bit charming.) - Melbourne (Thank you Karolina, Victor and lillfisen Felix)
Our plan is to be in the water again at latest 1 May.
Strange weather. Hot, hot, hot, ... humid ... sun, rain, sun, rain ... and when it's raining it's really pouring down,

The last two days has been tough anti fouling work. 16 liters of Trilux 33.
We are totally exhausted.
It's Easter Time but no celebration feeling at all.
Very few people around in this very very primitive marina.
The safest place to be, but by far the most boring place we have been spending some time on the hard so far.

Grete is very happy that the hull is black again.

It's raining "cats and dogs". Again! The nice weather is supposed to be here now.

Our closest friends in this marina.

Dinner time at Ariane of Stockholm.

Thank you guys for looking after Sans Peur.

Good Friday dinner. Salmon cooked Käthe way.

In a few days we will be back into the water. Yes!