Izmir - Old harbour

Sans Peur
Grete & Fred Vithen
Thu 6 Aug 2015 19:58
38 25 38N 27 07 56E 6 August Old Harbour Izmir

We arrived quite early, Meltemi not blowing to nasty. Entering the harbour not seeing a single sail???
Didn't feel good at all. Anyway the Pilots of Izmir harbour said it would be ok to anchor and they would help, and they did.
Wind and swell picking up.
50 m:s of chain out and still it did NOT feel safe. Pushed hard against the harbour key.
After a couple of hours we had enough, just in time ... Wind speed around 30 to 35 knots.
Very close to a major disaster.
We managed to get away with help from some hard working locals on the key. Thank you so much!
All lines safe onboard.
Hitting hard against the wind and swell picking up, a lot of salty spray, and aiming for Levent Marina.
Will there be shelter for the night? Or do we have to find a safe place to anchor.