Port Douglas QLD - Crystalbrook Superyacht Marina - Wannabe
Sans Peur
Grete & Fred Vithen
Tue 24 Aug 2021 05:55
16 29 14S 145 27 60E Crystalbrook Marina, Port Douglas 19-24 August
Now we are enjoying warmer climate and better wind. Most of the time we are sailing. That must be the idea of a sailing boat. At least in our mind.
Most people in this country use motors for some reason.
The reason we spend some time in Port Douglas was to check our nonworking Mastervolt alternator.
Turns out nothing wrong. Means something else is not working. Mastervolt Alpha Pro II regulator maybe.
Or a relay, or a fuse ..... Shit, shit, shit ....
At least now we know that the alternator works. That's really good to know. To get any replacements here in Australia is almost impossible.
And to get something from other parts of the world will take for ages and cost loads of money. Australia is really at the end of the sophosticated Westeren world.
Today, Tuesday, we continue our sailing towards North.
Approaching Port Douglas
Sunday Market. It's season for passion fruit. We really enjoy the taste of them. Bought plenty.
This is the port/marina.
It's more about charters taking all kind of trips out into the sea and to the two tiny islands, Low Islets.
Still no clear water.
Port Douglas. A summer resort.