Mulhouse - Rhine next

Sans Peur
Grete & Fred Vithen
Mon 13 Apr 2015 20:20
47 44 56N 07 20 49E

Mulhouse, Alsace

Starting, at 9, from Dannemarie, the “port of entrance” to Alsace. Another clear crispy sunny spring day. Thank you!
Just a few km:s, 23 km, but plenty of narrow locks and two bridges. 
Alsace is French but also German. We like it.
VNF will keep our company all the way, preparing the locks. They are all very nice and helpful, and very concerned.
So many people involved to get us through thoose old narrow locks. 
Reaching Mulhouse after 7 hours today. Although everything just worked 100 %, the body feels just drained.
Time for celebration. Cava! Good on us. Not a single scratch added to brave good looking Sans Peur.
Tomorrow we leave “Canal du Rhone au Rhin”. And La France after being here for a half year.
Germany next.
At 9, a kilometer from here, there will be a small lock (much bigger though then these old frightening once, by now we did 
a couple of hundred of them … and we will not miss them). 
Then about 1,5 hours of motoring before we reach Niffer, Rhein and Germany.
We are ready and eager for new countries now. 
Germany here we come. Prost! 
A lock slowly opening and then our VNF “guide” is preparing the the bridge for us.
Mulhouse. Yes!
Last lock. Guess if someone is happy!
I thought we had been through every single joint, bolt and screw by now … 
Electricity will not work, shit, shit, shit … and some more damn shit.
After a short while some helpful nice people are involved trying to solve the problem. 
And yes, they did it. Thank you guys!
Again a poor hidden professional job. You just need to check about anything, even the smallest detail. 
Moored dead center Mulhouse. Background La Gare (the translation).
Yes, Grete knows … about twice by now. Sorry, lorry ...