Merry Midsummer

Sans Peur
Grete & Fred Vithen
Fri 20 Jun 2014 22:28
Midsummer. The longest day of the year. Means a lot of partying all over Sweden. Doesn’t mean anything for the Dutch. Today we would have liked to be in Sweden celebrating with friends. |
Morning. At last we got our much wanted bimini. |
Oldehove Leeuwarden (the capital of Friesland) For a while we thought we where back in Pisa. “The construction was halted, leaving the Leeuwarder citizens with a not very towering tower. Just 40 metres high, with a conspicuous tilt. Now the tower not only leans, but it's crooked as well." |
Harlingen at the Nordsee / North Sea. Windy and cool as usual. |
Today we should look into the problem with to short chain and to small anchor box. Turns out that we do not have a problem. A very nice surprise. Instead of 50 m of chain, as stated by the former owner, it turned out that we have 80 m and still room in the anchor box for another 20 m. Means we saved a lot of money. |
A bit of Midsummer celebration. Dinner time. A great Midsummer feast. Matjessill as a starter (Swedish herring, a speciality), grilled delicious salmon and finally strawberries. Skål! We didn’t make it to sunrise which is the tradition. |