Maldives Yacht Rally - Uligan

Sans Peur
Grete & Fred Vithen
Thu 3 Feb 2022 11:39
Uligan, at anchor 07 04 93N 72 55 08E
This is the most Northern atoll in Maldives. From here we will clear out. And then sail to Djibuti (former French colony).
At the moment we are 14 yachts who will participate in this rally.
Some of us will leave for Djibuti before the rally is over.
We just sailed from Male and we will not go there again.
Nice to be here. Finally there are some marine life. The water is clean and clear.
Today we had a school of fish around the boat.
Suddenly there was a turtle.
And while cleaning the hull two huge mantas came and watched me.
This afternoon we will meet some of the other sailors for the first time. Looking forward.