Bye bye beautiful Marquesas

Sans Peur
Grete & Fred Vithen
Sat 17 Nov 2018 12:31
29/9 - 17/10 We visited 5 islands. All very scenic and lush. Nuku Hiva, Oa Pou, Hiva Oa, Tahuata & Fatu Hiva

Sashimi from fresh new caught tuna.

Leaving from Fatu Hiva.

Omoa. Our last anchorage.

Hanavaye, Fatu Hiva. Another spectacular anchorage. Where we bought a lot of tasty pomplemousse (like grape fruit).

WiFi at the local snack bar.

Vaitahu, Tahuata Island.

Hiva Oa. At the petrol station to could buy fresh tuna fil'e at about 50 Euros/kg. One of the few delicious things you could buy at a reasonable price.

Tikis at the the villages of Tahauku, Hiva Oa island.

Tahauku, Hiva Oa island.

Dolphins playing around the stern.

Approaching Ua Pou island. It was like all the islands had a micro climate.

Yes we had a passenger for a couple of hours during this passage.