Siracusa, Sicilia

Sans Peur
Grete & Fred Vithen
Sat 1 Oct 2016 06:15
37 03 55N 15 17 19E Siracusa

Santa Lucia.
For some strange reason she
is the origion of a Swedish (13 December) winter celebration ... which now
a days are totally out of control.Meaning ... youngsters celebrating (really) getting drunk and behaving like totally maniacs. Why? And how did this idiotic celebration

Anyhow. We like Italia and Sicilia. This is the sign of this region.

We had a serious lunch break ...

Fresh sea urchins sold at the local fish market.


Old town Siracusa called Ortigia. We are anchored in the bay and this is our view.

Etna. We passed the volcano on our way from Taormina to Siracusa.

Poor flying fish, managed to end up on the roof during the night.