Another (maybe our last) visit to Singapore - Visa Run Part 2

The St. Regis has many sculptures in and around the hotel, this is woman on a boar I couldn’t see the name of the artist, the St. Regis has some beautiful pieces of art. No matter where you look you see another very tall building, but it is the colours of the surrounding buildings that catch your eye. Orchard Road the mecca for shoppers. Orchard Road in Singapore is what Fifth Avenue is to New York. The Tiffany Blue Box below the globe that changes colour. We have changed from sleek and sophisticated to the hustle and bustle of a very colourful and noisy Chinatown. You can get lost in amongst the lanes even with a map, luckily there is always someone to point you in the right direction. You can find any kind of souvenir you want, the price is always negotiable. The skyscrapers in the background make an interesting backdrop for the crowded lanes in Chinatown. The old buildings are still standing and used, thank goodness, otherwise it would just be stalls and concrete buildings, the history of these buildings is what creates an allure for weary travelers. I’m sure these were homes of very wealthy families or family businesses, now they are catering to the needs of the tourists. These buildings have a French Colonial look, we always remember how beautiful the French Colonial buildings similar to Hanoi and Beirut. This is probably the cleanest Chinatown we have visited. Great entrance to Chinatown. The buildings had many uses, from where old people went to die to happy rooms or family shops and living in the rooms above the shops. The other side of the street. I took a photo of this handsome man sitting on the concrete ledge…waiting for his wife to finish shopping I would hazard a guess, haha. Here we are back at Changi Airport, getting ready to board our plane back to Langkawi. John waiting for his driver but the driver never showed up… We once again had an enjoyable time in Singapore even though we were there on business, we found time to explore a little bit more of the downtown area. |