Photos Gililawa Laut - Part 2
Day Two, Gililawa Laut Coral, Fish & Turtle I really should be wearing prescription goggles as I need to have the zoom on for the fish which of course makes it very difficult to catch them when they are so close and always swimming away, but I finally got his face instead of his tail. This could be coral in a sand garden or in a garden under the sea that is just how clear the water is. The Buddies There are a number of fish who swim together all of the time; they never stray more than a foot from each other. You see so many different types of coral all growing on top or within each other. Another kissy face and I will keep on chasing this fish to get a really good close up. New fish, I call him Neon Sometimes the coral can get ugly, all sorts of gross things growing on the host and worm tracks. ‘People let me tell you about my best friend’ dooodly dum dum de dum de dum! These guys hang out together. The ‘Wet Suit Fish’ Grey, Black, bright colour it looks like a wet suit, there is a blue fish I put on the blog a while back that also looks like a wet suit design and colour. These striped fish are also new to the aquarium. This is my fav he is new; I call him by his Latin name, Polka Dot Fish A close up of Polka Dot fish, inside the polka dots it looks like a honeycomb. I wish we had fast internet so I could find out the names of the corals and fish we have seen. The Turtle You have to be at the right place at the right time, I was over in amongst the coral and John was swimming in the deeper water, and noticed this little guy. If you look at the photos you can see how they use their flippers to swim. |