Relaxing/Swimming in Archipelago of Las Perlas

08 29.575 N 79 01.871 W We made the short sail (40 nm) with great sailing
conditions on Friday and anchored here off a nice sand beach with no other
boats other than our Vancouver friends on Kilkea. Been busy cleaning up Sea Mist inside and out after our stay
near Panama City which was the dirtiest environment in which we have anchored
in our 5 years. The boat was filthy inside and our with airborne and water pollutants.
BUT….on the other hand, we had a VERY successful stay in Panama to do the
things that needed to be done by way of extensive provisioning to carry us til
arrival in New Zealand in November as well as other work projects on the boat
that needed to be handled before our Pacific Odyssey began. Now awaiting favourable winds/weather to carry us the 900 nm
to Galapagos and to take us across the Intertropical Convergence Zone as we cross
the equator in an area regularly plagued with the doldrums (no wind) and very
serious thunder/lightning storms/squalls. Presently the wind would be against
us as it is out of the Southwest; we need to see it out of the North/Northeast
for the first 200–300 nm and then, hopefully, out of the Southeast
for the last 600 nm. We intend to remain here in Las Perlas until we see
something favorable develop in the next week or so. Otherwise it will be engine
power all the way and that distance is at the maximum range for the fuel that
we can carry. All is well on-board. Sea temperature is 29.6 C (83.5 F) and
the daytime highs for air temp is running about 85 – 88 F (31 – 33 C).
We will just enjoy the swimming and relaxing while we wait. Next update will be when we depart Las Perlas. |