A few hints for getting MUCH MORE from our blogsite

Here are a couple of hints on how you can get MORE out of our blog postings: (We have been asked a number of questions by some of our blog viewers that indicate that not everyone is familiar with the blog site map features….especially, the GOOGLE EARTH view, where so many photos from all sorts of visitors are available…so we thought it was high time we passed on these hints) · When you look at the map indicating our position, zoom in using the slider on the left and you will be able to see lots of detail re the location. In this case you can scroll around the resort(s) and see the sand bar reef where the “fish photos” were taken… directly further out of the bay where Sea Mist is “pinned” at anchored · An alternative, is to look at the location and surrounds through Google Earth (providing you have it installed on your computer (it is excellent to have installed for a host of reasons when you are looking at things around your home or abroad…any global geography……including looking at your own home …..or your car…or boat….whatever. · a sample of views and viewing features are shown next in this blog entry …with a couple of additional Google Earth zoom-ins added for good luck…. o first, is a partly zoomed in “map” view that is always available on our blog site and shows our last reported position….you can zoom at any level using the left hand slider to see details of which we may have referenced in that blog entry o the 2nd sample is a GOOGLE EARTH view of same setting…highlighting a photo icon…that is then shown in the next view for you to view various photos accessed by clicking that particular icon (You can always view photos posted by many people on Google Earth by selecting/clicking on any of the photo icons showing in the GOOGLE EARTH view) o I have then labeled Sea Mist location and relevant surrounds in a view o the following view is a partially zoomed in view of the Ratu Nemani Island where the bar and B’BQ’s are each evening (depending on where you are on the planet, there may be more or less detail/resolution available as you zoom in) o and the last is a partially zoomed in view of the reef/sand bar where we were swimming to take the photos |