Roaming the French Islands - Les Saints/Marie Galant/Guadaloupe
15 52 N 061 35 W Had a wonderful sail yesterday from
Dominica to Les Saints….even managed to stir up a little fun competition
with a Sweden yacht for the early distance; and then a most enjoyable evening
in Terre de Haute having dinner with the crews of 2 other Canadian boats…..
Ocean Harmony and Rapture 1…..good time had by all. Big difference between the independent Plan is to move over to Marie Galant
tomorrow for a day or two and then double back to Guadaloupe for a few days of
discovering that island. There has been a transportation/services strike there
for some time and it has made it difficult for provisioning, etc. We understand
that the strike may now be ended and that store shelves are being stocked
again, etc….we’ll see. |