Location Report - South Coast of Rinja

Sea Mist > Sold to New Owners July 2016
John and Cheryl Ellsworth
Tue 4 Sep 2012 13:28
08 47.417 S 119 40.377 E
This entry is just to say all is OK with Sea Mist and her crew. Too late tonight / too tired to say more. Will create a new post tomorrow with some details of our most enjoyable Komodo Dragons experience for the 10 of us who took chartered a local boat for the day to go there.....and a great morning today with 3 hours of treatments at a local spa....a terrific indulgence!!
We are anchored tonight in an "awkward" anchorage(in over 25 meters of depth) with wind and tidal currents causing the boat to lay in strange positions relative to the anchor. That makes it tough to know what is going to go on.... with wind gusting up to 20 kts and us sometimes swinging a bit closer than really comfortable to a big charter sailing ketch with a load of German scuba divers on a two week charter taking in series of great diving sights from Indonesia to the Philipines....this "high end" charter vessel is on its maiden voyage and has stopped here since this anchorage is beside an excellent dive site called The Pinnacles.
Our friends on S/V Destiny arrived at the anchorage a few minutes ahead of us, just before dark, and had the misfortune of coming to a sudden, surprising, crunching stop on the reef that is the dive site. Crews from the live-aboard charter near us, and her sister ship around the corner on the other side of the reef, came to the rescue and, using halyard lines to the top of the mast connected to their big inflatable tenders/dinghys, were able to tilt and pull Destiny off the reef. Tomorrow morning, our friends will be diving Destiny to inspect the bottom.....and in the meantime, they/we (S/V Imagine is also here with us) are hoping for the best ...meaning that we hope they won't find any significant damage. The keels on these well built vessels (thier's is an Island Packet) can take a lot of abuse without suffering any real damage to the vessel.
That's all for now folks.....the Seamisters