Departed Kupang > enroute to Alor with an overnite stop
9 40.5 S 123 38.5 E We weighed anchor about 8:15 this morning and started the 135+ nm passage NORTH to next island/next rally stop, Alor. The plan is to stop along the shore of the this island and then continue tomorrow to Alor splitting the distance into about 60 nm today and about 70 nm tomorrow. We will provide a bit of a report on our time in Kupang once we have a chance to write it up. It has been very busy so no chance for time-out to do that yet. Gorgeous sunny (and full moon!!) weather continues; Air temps are running low 30’s in the day time and mid-20’s overnight. Water temp is now 28.3 C (83 F ) so it will be nice to get in the water IF we can find an attractive anchorage for that pleasure (without the risks of crocs etc as was the case in Oz). We understand that Alor may be conducive so we are hoping. Kupang was a dirty anchorage with tons of garbage floating by in the water > so definitely no thought of taking a dip there. CYL….lunchtime!! The Seamisters |