Camden, Maine.....FOG...FOG....AND MORE FOG!!

Sea Mist > Sold to New Owners July 2016
John and Cheryl Ellsworth
Sun 26 Jul 2009 23:28

44 13 N    69 03 W

Since last blog entry, we have had a mix of experiences for sure. When we left Bath after a very interesting visit to the Maine Maritime Museum there, we somehow did not pay enough attention to the forecast weather and when we made our way down the 12 nm river to it’s mouth on the Atlantic Ocean….whew!!.. winds of 25-30 knots and 12-15 foot seas….very quickly we did an about turn and headed back up river to Bath to sit out the nor-easter. Friday we once again headed down the 12 nm of the river (with tidal current contributing to give us more than 12 knots speed over ground) and made our way 39 miles in still calm conditions to visit friends on th St George River at Otis Cove…..and a great day it was with even some some and clearing in the afternoon to enable us to have a fun “day sail” experience with them.


Today, in miserable fog, really NO VISIBILITY, we made our way 32 nm to Camden Maine on Penobscot Bay. It was 4 hours of eyes glued to the radar screen and busily resolving the great number of targets that were constantly appearing on the screen…sorting out the identification of rocks, islands, other boats and, of course, thousands of lobster buoys….and the ready supply of navigational aids/buoys. The biggest SHOCK surprise was when we were cruising at about 8.5 kts in about 200 feet of water depth and we ran into “something” massive…. that felt like we had hit a sand bar as it lurched us and the boat….only explanation that we can think of was that the keel of Sea Mist had hit a whale. Anyway, needless to say, it was good to arrive here in Camden and get the hook down. We think this town will be able to occupy us for as long as it takes to get some clearing weather so that we can continue our voyage onwards to Mount Desert Island…the Northeast’s only National Park, Acadia National Park, and the interesting sights of Somes Sound, Southwest Harbor, Cranberry Isle and Bar Harbor.