update re post-op progress

Sea Mist > Sold to New Owners July 2016
John and Cheryl Ellsworth
Thu 1 Nov 2012 02:44
Tomorrow, Friday morning, I am to be discharged and will go to an apartment in SG through the thoughtfulness of Marian an David (s/v Kilkea) and the generosity of Marian's cousin...who departs SG this weekend leaving the apartment vacant until his next business trip this way.
My surgeon is happy with my recovery progress and tells. me I am ahead of schedule. He told me that ...IF...I was in a hurry, he could discharge me today."but we agreed...no hurry...we will stay with original plan of 4days in hospital and discharge tomorrow.

The medical staff and all aspects of the hospital have been a most positive experience for me....so all verg good on those dimensions.

Cheryl has been coping well on her own on-board Sea Mist...only matter that we are needing to give attention to on that front is the marina sent us an email end of day yesterday saying that SeaMist has to be relocated to a different berth tomorrow. I don't want that to be done....even though Kilkea have offered to help Cheryl in handling that move if it has to happen. Before coming to the hospital, I met with the Marina manager and he committed to me that the boat would not need to be moved until Nov 15th....so I am trying to hold them to that commitment....we'll see??

Yesterday afternoon I started climbing stairs using crutches...no problems! All focus is on me not putting any moe than 30% of my weight on the repaired leg until we get through 2 weeks post-op due to the large size of my implant......and, additionally, paying required attention to the normal hip replacement post op prohibitions....not crossing your legs, not over 90degrees in the angle of the hip to my torso, not sitting on anything low, etc.

cyl...the seamisters