Time to head north-west>>>Malaysia here we come

Our plan is to depart One15 Marina tomorrow morning and sail (well, truthfully, “motor”) about 30 nm to officially enter Malaysia at Puteri Harbour Marina. That is a relatively short start to see how Sea Mist and the recuperating captain are after a bit of a lay-up. This will enable us to handle all the official bureaucracy of entering the country….and we can take on about 700 litres of fuel from their fuel dock at the best price in southern Malaysia (RM2.85 which is equivalent to about US$0.91 per litre). We checked out of Ben’s apartment yesterday morning and spent last night back on-board Sea Mist. This morning, I found my way to the One Stop Document Center in central SG and handled the clearance out of Singapore for Sea Mist. Tomorrow, we will continue to reverse the arrival process as we meet up with the on-water immigration vessel and handle the passport exit process. I don’t have a lot to add with regards to the recuperation from my hip surgery; my expectations are for it to be troublesome for a couple of weeks as the “cut” tissue heals. I am mobile as would have been obvious if you travelled with me today or if you watched me do some boat chores that required crawling around in tight places to clean up the paddlewheel/know log (for landlubbers > think of it as your car’s speedometer pickup) and take care of cleaning up the incessant oil drip mess/diaper change under the Perkins/Sabre engine…..an engine that has a great notoriety for always being able to drip a little oil. Anyway. I just settled our account with the Marina Office and I was most pleasantly surprised to see the relatively minor charges for electricity ….considering how much we have used the air conditioning in this heat/humidity for which Singapore is known the year round. This has been a terrific marina…great location and free/frequent shuttle bus from Sentosa to Harbourfront/Vivocity (which puts you in the midst of the action and totally connected to SG’s fantastic public transit system!!! The One15 Marina staff have been superb; they could not have service us any better than they did….including needing to accommodate our stay being twice as long as we had booked…but no need to relocate Sea Mist due to the change in our plan….an important flexibility on their part considering our circumstances. Our praises are high!! We will sign-off for now….next entry will be from a new country as Sea Mist continues to make her way around the world. Cheers to all….ciao/the Seamisters |