Photos: Part 2 - On our way back from the village to our anchorage on Ko Phayam

Very impressive Buddha at the top of the stairs being protected on each side by the three headed serpent. This is my favourite, he is made out of stone, no gold anywhere and is smiling like a Cheshire Cat. We have seen these guys all over Asia, Myanmar, China, Vietnam, etc.etc. The Monks were having a small fair – they were selling tickets to go to the temple as well as souvenirs. The very rotund monk in the center reminds me of Friar Tuck. The Saffron colored robes stand out even if they are in the shade. What can I say about this T.V. that is sitting on the beach without any electricity, yet appears to be in good condition, obviously some electrical wire snakes its way to the T.V. after the tourists have left for their cottages and restaurants. This is the semi-finished product from the rubber tree, this is latex and I guess they will do more with it once it gets to the mainland. The couple that lived here were idling in their hammocks, waiting out the heat of the day. They were very nice about letting me take some photos of the latex he had just produced, I’m sure they use a machine larger but very similar to a pasta machine. The latex had a cross hatching design on it that could only be made by a machine. They couldn’t speak any English so we were unable to ask them about the procedure to make latex fabric from the latex sap they get from the trees. Time to stop at the crossroads grocery store to pick up some fruits. David has the right idea. Who’s the Boss? Our tired tour guides, David and Marian ready for something to drink and eat. Another Day in Paradise! |