Location Report - Entrance to Palau Kelang

02 52.873 N 101 17.362 E A couple of things changed after we arrived in Port Dickson as far as our plan for continuing North-West to Pangor. First, we discovered that the Royal Senagor Yacht Club (RSYC) In Klang is a terrible filthy location that should be avoided….certainly for us the decision was easy once we read a few cruisers blogs of recent years and they reported rats coming on-board. We certainly did not want any of that! Kelang or Klang is a busy commercial shipping center with huge ships traversing the tidal channel to get up the river to Malaysia’s capital City of Kuala Lumpur (always spoken of as KL)…so no surprise that it is a dirty mix of navigable waters. So then we needed to look at alternative anchorages since we would not be going into Klang; there were a few options…but nothing ideal; in the end we chose where we now have dropped the hook. Since we were not going to go into the RSYC for a cou0ple of nights, it gave us a spare night to spend somewhere..??? And the decision of “where” was easy as when we got up yesterday morning, the weather was miserable….thunder and lightning….lots of rain pouring down….>>>>….so it was back to bed….and another day moored at the beautiful Admiral Marina, Port Dickson. This morning the weather was most pleasant…..and since we were only going to travel a relatively short distance (44 nm) to this anchorage, we were even able to actually sail for a couple of hours….until the wind died…pity! We dropped the hook at 2 Pm after having left the marina at 6:40 am as it was just starting to get pre-dawn light. We are anchored just at the edge of the entrance to a fairly big river called Selat Lumut that winds its way considerable distance inland. Hopefully we won’t be bothered by river traffic day or night…..I say that as I notice a dredging vessel approaching the channel beside us from seaward…..I see that he is turning so as to give us a wide berth….GOOD!! We will have a bit further to go tomorrow (60 nm) leaving only 35 nm to go the following day (Nov 22nd) into Pangor. The next Sail Malaysia Rally event is a dinner at Pangor Marina on Nov 23rd so this week will see us catching up to the rally that we missed to date. Nothing else to report now. Cheers….the Seamisters |