Palmerston behind us.....Niue ahead

18 07 S 163 57 W We dropped our mooring ball at Palmerston Atoll about noon
today and are now 8 hours into our 3 day passage to Niue. We arrived at Palmerston at dawn on Wednesday, Aug 18th
after a VERY rolly ride…..reason being >>> just after I posted
the last blog entry, and we switched to wing on wing sail configuration due to
the wind direction, the slapping of the sail in the dark hours of Sunday night
resulted in a torn main sail….a large tear along the leech of the sail (
the trailing vertical side of the sail’s triangle). A quick choice had to
be made….get the sail down before the rolling vessel and the wind would further
tear the sail ….or…take a chance on furling the sail into
the mast and worry about getting it unfurled and taken down to assess the
damage once we had arrived in Palmerston. We chose the later….and when we
did take the sail down after arrival, the tear became much worse in the process
and it was clear that there would be no way that this mainsail would be used
again until we could get it to a sailmaker….and that is not a possibility
until arrival in New Zealand in November. We had planned on replacing this original mainsail when in
NZ…but I had expected/hoped that it would take us the remaining distance.
Now, we had to find a way to get on with acquiring a sail ASAP as it would not
be wise to depart from Tonga to go to NZ without a mainsail…..that
passage has a history of cruisers having to face tough weather somewhere along
the 1100 nm distance. By the time we reached Palmerston, I had been able to get
Doyle Sails in NZ to give me a quote to build a new sail and ship it to me in
Tonga. After assessing all possible options over the last week, we placed the
order today for the new sail. Now we just have to limp to Niue and on to
Tonga with only a Yankee headsail for wind propulsion…..slow going and
less stable than if we had a main, but doable….albeit we will have to
sparingly use the engine to motor or motor-sail some of the distance as the
fuel tank reserves are insufficient to motor the whole distance. Winds are
going to be light for the foreseeable days ahead so we decided to leave today
as it would not get better (i.e. stronger/more sailable winds) if we were to
wait for some days before departing. So far, we have been averaging about 5.5
kts of speed with winds behind us at a very light 11 -13 kts. Our estimate is
for arrival in Niue about noon on Wednesday, Aug 24th. …..3
days enroute vs probably 2 to 2 ½ days if we had the main for this short 400 nm
passage. Now for a little detail on a most remarkable experience at
Palmerston: Customs, immigration, health, agriculture inspections were
done very simply and non-bureaucratically on board by a NZ official before noon
and then we were off with our HOST….BOB….to meet his family and be
toured and fed. After an enormous lunch of the finest fish one could ever find
in the finest restaurants anywhere, we then participated in selecting the right
coconuts to pick from the palm trees…open them (special coconuts for pigs
different from hens/roosters…different from chicks) and then
feeding pigs, hens/roosters and chickens. Finally, we were delivered back to
Sea Mist as it was getting dark……and 5 kids and 2 dads invited
themselves on-board for beer, soft drinks and a look at “our home”.
The least we could do was say “yes” after our unbelievable
experience with their (and the whole community of Palmerston’s)
hospitality during the day. We will provide more on Palmerston in later blog postings
complete with photos which we are sure you will enjoy and which will give a
better sense of the island. However, a tiny preview/peak at this time into
this community goes like this >> 67 inhabitants at present, over half of
them are school age or younger…all are descendents of William Marsters
who was a young lad from Lancashire/UK who ran away from home in the
1860’s and worked whaling ships in the Pacific……..met 3 young
native women (probably Maories) on Penrhyn Island (650 nm to the north of
Palmerston)…and took them to this uninhabited atoll in 1863 and subsequently
had 21 children by them as he began his part in creating this dynasty and lived
here til he died at age 74. All the present inhabitants….a surprising
surname “Masters”…..are descendents of those 3 separate
families…..all are brothers, uncles, aunts, grandparents, cousins, etc…
but they are smart about not marrying brothers, sisters nor first
cousins…marriages are smartly made with 2nd ,3rd
and more distant cousins……all follows the original William Masters’
rules about intermarriage as this Brit understood the downside of ”inbreeding”.
Terrific, friendly, religious, most genuine people….. who only see a
supply ship arrive twice a year…last one was over 7 months
ago….should be here next week …”if it shows”…
us yachties (with any goodies that we might spare) are important to them…..
and hosting about 50 – 60 boats like us each year is a very important
part of their ongoing lives….and something they really, obviously, enjoy. We have truly had the most remarkable past 3 days here …really
became part of our host’s family – mother/father/daughter age
20/daughter age 17/son age 11/daughter 7 – enjoying overall hospitality/enormous
meal at noon each day/leisurely beer coffee soft drinks whenever/wanderings
around the island to see the various island amenities/various games of
volleyball/soccer/catch/etc – guitar/yukalalee singalongs…..never a
dull moment…..we did not put our dinghy down as our host ferried us
between Sea Mist and shore each day as required….picking us up sometime
in the morning and getting us back to Sea Mist late afternoon just before dark.
We had our host (Bob) on board a few times and yesterday, his wife Tutou, came
out for a visit just before sundown…..the 3 kids as well as other friends
had been on-board the previous day for awhile. We have never in our lives
seen such happy, constantly smiling faces on children and adults of all
ages…..they really love their lives here and see the hosting of yachties
as a way to enrich their lives and the island’s experiences each year
during this season when boats are passing by as they cross the Pacific. AND….they do this without any expectation or demand for
money! We found a number of things on-board that we gave to them over our
days here including some outboard gasoline but no charges from them for
anything….the moorings/all the meals/ferrying us in and out through the
barrier reef. It is in their nature as a community culture/set of
values……goes way back in their island history that began when
William Marsters settled here in 1863…..the hosting of yachties has gone
on for about 15 years. There are 5 families who do the hosting but you experience
most of the 67 people over the time you are here as it is literally one
“extended family”….and cousins, nephews, nieces, uncles are
always dropping by and staying for hours if you are at your hosts
home….seated outdoors around the family table (3 tables with lots of
seating for everyone)…protected overhead from the sun (and the rare
but occasional shower). There are 7 moorings and all were full just
before we arrived on Wed morning but 3 boats were in process of leaving that
hour….otherwise we have had about 5 boats here during our stay with some
arrivals and departures. As I am writing this, I have just heard 3 more boats
radio in that they are within an hour of arrival. Nationalities of boats
while we have been here include: Norway/Denmark/Australia/New Zealand/USA/Canada/Ireland. Even the NZ official who checked us in is a Marster descendent
having been born and brought up in NZ by one of many Marsters who have emigrated
to NZ or Aus over the years. He decided to come back to his roots and took this
posting 7 years ago and his wife, from “down under”, became the
school principal here on the island and expanded the locally available
education ….taking it from Grade 5 or 6 as the limit for decades…
to now being all the way to High school leaving/college entrance …enabling
island children to be prepared here, locally, if they decide to continue
post secondary education….and that would generally be undertaken in NZ
or Aus. The curriculum is a “USA home schooling program” but has
been altered with Australian input to accommodate this part of the world….a
minor example would be the incorporation of the metric system. Quite enough for the sneak preview; the real account will
come to life when we get a chance to post blog entries with photos……that
will not be possible until we get to shore-based internet facilities somewhere
along our westward track. Next update will be from Niue where we expect to stay for
about a week….exploring the island by rental car and taking in the unique
caves/caverns we have heard so much about…not to mention the native
people who make the stop there another joy to absorb. Cheers to all from the Seamisters DTG to Niue 350 nm; DTG to Tonga 597 nm |