Location Report - Low Islets

Sea Mist > Sold to New Owners July 2016
John and Cheryl Ellsworth
Fri 15 Jun 2012 10:59

16 22.859 S  145 33.829 E


A “no wind day”….36 nm of motoring….hopefully tomorrow will be better.


We stayed an extra day in Cairns; very nice city…loads of young people doing their Australian thing….you hear almost every European language being spoken as you are walking around town with all of the backpackers….late teens/early 20’s having a good time.  Also lots of tourists in general….so there are many, many restaurants….and some specials if you (or your friends) do some digging and find the 50% off coupons to GOOD restaurants….definitely the first time that price was reasonable for something in Oz.


Looks like we will not have enough water depth to enter Cooktown given the time of day versus high tide.  We would need to try to get to the anchorage up the river after dark over VERY shallow water…so have decided against it.  Will carry on to Lizard Island with different stop(s) between here and there.


Clear skies/sun continues…no precipitation since June 1st….great change!!