Location Report - Palua Pisang

01 27.605 N 103 16.102 E Was a fairly strenuous couple of days at the marina with the need to get to the big mall for Malaysian Telecoms broadband sim card …..as well as a couple of Voice sim cards(a lot of standing and a lot of up and down mall levels to get the top ups of time on the cards and get Malaysian Ringgits (cash)….and then, which required a fair walk to that 2nd shopping center, a major provisioning shopping spree at Tesco…..all in all ,a LOT of walking and lugging heavy bags etc….and that was day 2. DAY 1 had us do the outing for handling officialdom for entry to country….AND….putting on-board 800 litres of fuel. When last evening came to pass, we were both shot……and, in particular, my new hip was complaining a lot…..so a good day today of not abusing it…….as I was able to sit most of the 35 nm that we travelled and we stopped early before 2:30 pm so as to get a good rest…not a lot of sleep last night for either of us for a bunch of reasons……..must do a lot better tonight but now all seems to be back on a good positive recuperation track. Nothing else to report now. Looks like about 68 nm to go tomorrow so must get going earlier than the 9 am start of today. AWFULLY HOT AND HUMID!!!!! Cheers…the Seamisters |