14 04 N 60 57 W The subject says it all; we got in 6 hours
ago (13 days 22 hours) and all we have been doing (after all the formalities
with marina, customs, immigration, port authority….all those guys with
their treasured stamps and ink pads…and a troublesome squall that hit
just as we were trying to tie up) has been eating….and oh…something
else…????....Oh Yes!...drinking. Rush time now; some Aussie friends we
met and partied with in Lanzarote joined up with “us” a little
while ago….well joined up with Cheryl, who was still on-board, while Ian
and I had been checking out the locals and chucking back a few cool ones.
Anyway, we had a couple of beers (what else do you do in the tropics?….oh,
I remember the answer to that question ……….. Rum punch>>>LATER!...)
and now we have to have arrival showers and get over to the Aussie’s boat
for a “few” beers or was it “8” that I think Peter said.
Must run…it has been real! All is GREART! Cheryl has so much up
by way of Christmas decorations, that when Ian and I just came below to head to
the showers, he said: “I think someone puked Christmas in the saloon…look
at all this stuff!” He was, in fact being positively impressed…in
his own way of expressing it. Must go now. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO
ALL>>>will be in touch. Cheers, the crew of Sea Mist DTG 0 nm |