Photos - Cambodia Part C - Phenom Penh 2 - National Museum Of Cambodia

The coffin shop was on the same street as the restaurants! We found this restaurant our first night and kept on going back there. We just can’t seem to get enough of museums and temples, so we visited the National Museum of Cambodia, which houses Khmer Art and the building looks like a very large temple. Ganesh welcomes the visitors to the museum. The monks love their phones, but after an exhausting conversation... Time for a snooze. I took a sneak photo of this sculpture; no photos in the museum, I could only get photos of the art sculptures from the garden. George Groslier was the designer of the museum, it really is one of the nicest museums we have visited. The design would make a great house design. I like the centre courtyard with the water features. You would of course have to add windows and doors if you wanted to recreate this place in Canada. A look into one of the rooms with Khmer sculptures. You start to feel like the paparazzi, taking sneak photos through the windows, I watched lots of people taking sneak photos inside as well. You get another look of the stone sculptures behind John, this was his favourite spot...he found many spots like this during our vacation whilst I flit around gardens taking photos of flowers. Luckily these two large sculptures were outside so I could get a close up photo. |