Location Report - Kuala Bemam

Sea Mist > Sold to New Owners July 2016
John and Cheryl Ellsworth
Wed 21 Nov 2012 10:38
03 48.991 N 100 44.747 E Well we are really “nowhere” ….just some shallow water at the mouth of an inlet….we sit about 2 – 3 nm off closest points of land….but in only 2 meters of water depth under the keel of Sea Mist. Nothing really to report today but we did cover just over 68 nm and avoided hundreds of fishing boats with all their gear…..and even managed to get in 2 – 3 hours of pleasant sailing…albeit close hauled. We expect to be at Pangor Marina before noon tomorrow and look forward to catching up with many cruising friends as we join the Sail Malaysia Rally as it is about ¾ of the way through its itinerary and events. Ciao….the seamisters |