Arrived In French Polynesia....all well....hoorah!!

10 27.874 S 138 40.173 W We anchored about an hour ago, in the pitch black of night, here
in Baie Hanavave (Bay of Virgins) and are about to hit the hay for some real
sleep; 16 days 19 hours to do 2957 nm; a very successful passage…no big
problems….and no angry seas…even though we did have a lot of rock
and roll swells in the last few days just to keep us on our toes. Not an easy anchorage; VERY DEEP water until you get right
into the last part of the bay and here there were 19 boats closely anchored….needing
big swing room as the depth that we dropped our hook in was just over 40 meters
(131 feet); and big gusts to 25 kts coming down from the mountains….anyway,
the first drop had us end up too close to another sailboat so we had to do the
whole thing a second time without hitting anyone as we brought the anchor chain
back in and kept Sea Mist under control amongst the wind gusts and all the other
sail boats. Tomorrow begins the next chapter in this sailing life….the
exploration of the South Pacific, beginning with the Marquesas group of French
Polynesian Islands. And are we ever looking forward to it….especially
after having paid the price of a long ocean passage to get here. Hoorah for the Seamisters…we made it! |