Rangiroa - Last stop in these beautiful atolls

Sea Mist > Sold to New Owners July 2016
John and Cheryl Ellsworth
Sun 13 Jun 2010 21:06

14 58.04 S 147 38.32 W


We have been having so much fun in the Archipelago Tuamotu (stops have been at Kauehi, Fakarava, Toau and now Rangiroa)  that we have been neglecting the blog; for our blog readers, the reward should be in the photos that we post for your enjoyment when we get to a high speed internet opportunity later this week in Papeete, Tahiti.


 Absolutely fantastic snorkeling and scuba experiences …. The MOST SPECIAL being at Fakarava…both the South Pass and the North Pass….WOW – WOW !!!…unbelievable to experience the hundreds and hundreds of sharks around us…up close and personal….but not threatening - even if sometimes, when we were all by ourselves, the proximity and behavior could be a bit intimidating.  No Hammerheads since the Galapagos but tons of Black Tip, White Tip, Grey, and Nurse…..our dive master this morning (Yves Lefevre. Raie Manta Club   http://raiemantaclub.free.fr ) just returned from South Africa  where he experienced Tiger, Maco, Great Whites….but that is a different world than our world…but a regular element in his worlds. He is extremely experienced and has 2 professional specialities woven together…scuba and photography….combined with writing/publishing and media…..to manifest his experiences. He is originally from Paris but has been heavily into diving in French Polynesia for 25 years and lives in Rangiroa.


Must run now as we are about to go and “feed the fish” and capture a few more photos on a snorkeling reef very near to where we have Sea Mist anchored since our arrival yesterday morning….an exciting entry through the pass as we were 2 hours after high tide slack water and we encountered 4 – 4.5 kts of outgoing current in the pass as we entered against the ebb.


DTG to Tahiti – 200 nm

Expected departure: either tomorrow, Monday June 14th or Tuesday…depending on the latest weather forecast we pick up this evening