Crab feast

Scot Free III
Frank & Anne
Mon 3 Jun 2024 19:00
49:43.22.N 54:16.60.W
Were determined to test all the sails and make sure all was working correctly. Had to sail close hauled all the way, tacking a few times, heeling considerably - moving around the boat was a considerable challenge for our ageing bodies.
The last hour when the wind dropped we motor sailed ( mainsail only plus engine) straight towards the entrance, which allowed F to cook all 4 crabs. Timing impeccable. All done when we came into Fogo.
More pots meant recommended anchorage inaccessible so anchored further out on an uncertain bottom. Made for an anxious night. When wind got up (Ed. at 04:00) and anchor was snatching, F had to don all warm/wet weather gear to adjust and add a longer snubbing line. A kept his side of the berth warm.
Before that, we had enjoyed the crabs. Had to refer our fish books to ensure they were prepared correctly. Very sweet delicious white meat not much brown, took a long time with the crab picks to extract it all. Can’t remember last time we used them.

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By chance! had a very nice bottle of white in the fridge. Once the heating had come up to temperature could have been in Paradise.
2 down 2 more to go. Yum