Filling up

Scot Free III
Frank & Anne
Fri 28 Jul 2023 10:29
Had visitors first thing. J and P rowed past and stopped for a chat. They live close by and after a near accident on their bikes, when they were almost run off the road by an impatient driver, have now opted for rowing as their main form of exercise.

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A morning of filling up. Went alongside the fuel berth and filled both tanks wirh diesel. Fuel berths are few and far between here in Nova Scotia and even rarer in Newfoundland- trucks sometimes deliver to public wharves or jerry cans have to be filled at petrol stations. Certainly don’t want to do that if we can avoid it.
Had to move to another berth to fill both tanks with water. Back to the buoy. F dinghied back in to fill dinghy tank and petrol can so all set to leave tomorrow.
Some serious tidying, clearing and stowing to be ready for the off. Numerous jobs outstanding but they’ll be done as and when.
Decided to go to the club for a last meal. All outside tables taken so we lurked and sure enough one became free. A had spotted another couple also waiting so offered to share the table. A delightful German couple Kristin and Stefan, who own a property here. Spent far too long chatting, last people to leave and bitten to death by noseeums and mosquitoes. They love A.