Almost done

Scot Free III
Frank & Anne
Tue 29 Oct 2019 13:10
Anchor chain looking rather rusty, so A spent Monday morning brushing 70m of anchor chain with a wire brush, then spraying with WD 40 to protect over the winter. Her back will never be the same again.

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F meanwhile still doing the engine. Very cold down below! Frostbite on toes a real possibility.
Lunch was eaten in the cockpit which is a relatively warm enclosure now. The blue plastic has a very odd effect. Lime green duster has turned yellow. Day glo colours very pronounced but most disconcerting of all, eating black strawberries, brown pineapple, lilac water melon and white honeydew. The brain can’t quite cope!
Freckles and age spots very pronounced too - oh dear.
But success. Engine now starts albeit with a different switch and antifreeze run through it. All systems now winterised. Just need to tidy up, position cushions ready for leaving and leave lots of dessicant to absorb any moisture.