What a difference a week makes!

Scot Free III
Frank & Anne
Fri 13 Sep 2019 11:53
Arrived back to find Scot Free sitting pretty on the fuel dock just as we’d left her! The yard workers had been very vigilant and adjusted the lines - they tend to stretch regardless, but that was all. The eye of Hurricane Dorian passed directly over Halifax giving the team a useful couple of hours to prepare for the next onslaught of winds from the opposite direction.

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There was not much evidence of storm damage in the drive from the airport but significant damage occurred at Purcells Cove a couple of miles away- “nothing left but firewood” was the description. How lucky were we!
We know of one couple who went to a very sheltered but remote cove to anchor. However, when they realised the eye would pass directly overhead they took an old life raft ashore and used it as a shelter, deep in the woods. Thankfully both couple and boat survived unscathed.
In shorts and t shirts a week ago, glorious weather, but a certain nip in the air. Now, well and truly Fall. 11 degrees down below this morning. Condensation dripping off the windows. Our heavily overworked boat batteries( a theme here?) are not performing well and should be replaced. Skipper says not sure if they’ll be up to running the heating.! Someone will be jumping ship if not. Hoping they can last till end of season.
Strong winds should abate by tomorrow and intend to go towards Cape Breton.
Meanwhile- usual provisioning. Timed very badly yesterday. Waited over an hour for a taxi to bring us, plus our numerous bags, back to the boat. Amusing comment at checkout in the liquor store. “What happened? Did your neighbours come round and drink all your wine?” It’s called stocking up!
A lot of “people watching” during the hour’s wait. Shocked by the number of people driving up and buying 1 bottle. Hopes raised by a taxi arriving, only for it to wait for fare to pop into liquor store and return with a six-pack of beer. Makes for very expensive drinking.