Best laid plans once again….

Scot Free III
Frank & Anne
Mon 24 Jul 2023 22:09
Plan A to replace loo plumbing before breakfast. Someone was a hopeless optimist. To remove old pipes, need to plug in the heat gun and use the inverter but as the batteries were low decided to run the generator. Started easily, but wasn’t charging the batteries, so F stopped it, checked it over and spent some time trying to get into it but screws seized, gave up (Ed. not mission critical so another job for another day. Oh..I like that idea).
Plan B: Ran engine to charge the batteries, not something we like to do but needs must.
20 degrees down below first thing but 29 by midday, even hotter in the sail locker. Finally finished replacing pipe work at 3 pm - a very late lunch after F had a well earned swim.
F in the bowels of the sail locker. Excuse the pun.