
Scot Free III
Frank & Anne
Tue 2 Jul 2024 21:59
Just discovered that in her dazed sleep deprived state, yesterday, A had failed to post the crucial blog.
“Day 3 How rapidly things change! “ A is sure a psychologist would have something to say, PTSD, memory black-out or similar. It does seem in the distant past now but at the time the gale seemed never ending.
At anchor in Lajes, a few boats here but rafted 2 deep up against the wall. Prefer not to clamber over other boats to get onto dry land, so anchored outside the harbour and had to sort the dinghy out so we could go ashore.
Met 2 charming policemen who took our passport and boat details. Can’t clear in here, they don’t have a stamp!! That needs to wait until Horta, on Faial.
Started to make our way up a very steep hill, legs not working properly after 10 days of non-aerobic activity. Harbour master drove past and offered the two old codgers a lift to the bar and shop. Very grateful and felt a lot better after a couple of beers. (that of course might be the reason for the blog mishap)
Had a day resting and recuperating with supper in the cockpit. A lovely sky tonight.

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