Engineer hard at work

Scot Free III
Frank & Anne
Mon 27 Sep 2021 11:01
Most outdoor jobs completed or on hold until sun comes out again. No room for A down below, so shopped for essentials!- sandpaper and teak oil. Sat in warmth of yacht club chilling, listening to podcasts and on the internet. Remembering chlorine hair of the children’s younger days, checked for effects of iron in the well water. Increased wrinkles(nooooo) and rusty low lights(nooooo again). Blue rinse in order when home.
Sunday saw some rain. Seemed rude not to have brunch out while waiting for skies to clear. Arrived at club later with intention of changing flights. On hold for an hour and gave up. First call back slot on Tuesday evening, will wait until then.
Several more jobs completed. Heating checked and allowed to run for half an hour to clear pipes. It worked so well F had to come up on deck to cool down. Calorifier(hot water cylinder) drained and winterised. Rusty anchor chain donated to club. Still a lot of strength in it, but would damage windlass so a new one will be ordered.
Day finished with usual shopping trip. F on a roll, he even mended the shopping trolley!