A lot of screwing

Scot Free III
Frank & Anne
Thu 26 May 2022 11:41
After a bitterly cold day on Wednesday, yesterday was glorious. Still can’t get used to the extremes but learnt that the cold easterly kept the infamous biting black flies at bay.
Decided we had to start with the main sail. First, a trip up the mast for F to attach the lines for the sail bag. Three years on, it’s hard to remember the order of things. F always climbs the mast with a full harness and industrial access gear. Took some time to rig that up. F finally up there when the hoist engine next to us burst into life. Several men had been scratching their heads and servicing the engine for several days.
Positive for us, of course, for getting back into the water but came at a bad time. We couldn’t hear each other. A lot of shouting, lines threaded the wrong way and a couple of lines forgotten so another trip up the mast needed in the near future. Groan! A had phone in pocket but all so stressful she missed the photo op.
The sail bag was fitted and its battens put into the pockets.
F had removed the port side granny bars so had a long stretch of deck to lay out the sail.

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Next up, the tedious task of fitting the 5 battens and cars. The unscrewing and then screwing of 10 screws, for each one, reminded us of the need for a second electrical screwdriver. there is one at home, of course.
That done, made a cradle to lift sail into the sail bag, using halyards to help, then zipped up the bag ready for the next day’s work. She’s getting there.

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Had a very kind invitation to supper from our hosts. A welcome change- excellent food and company.