Hello Canada

Scot Free III
Frank & Anne
Wed 10 Jul 2019 17:58

43:47.1N 66:13.0W Approaching Yarmouth, Nova Scotia

Left Camden at 8am yesterday to cross The GULF of Maine(apology for yesterday’s mistake) Motored for first 4 hours- no wind. But we did it without snagging any pesky pots and having to put our rope cutter to the test or, more importantly,  F’s new $50(second hand) cold water wetsuit. He was very captivated by the young lady at the surf shop -she sized him up straight away- XL Short! It turns out that the Decathlon bargain €10 shortie wetsuit is, shockingly, a better fit for me, but I have zero intention of going into water that is 13 degrees!  

Another trip plagued by biting fruit flies. Fly swats and bug zapper much in use. The duckboard squares in the cockpit make perfect resting places after being swatted! Think I may need to hose down the decks!

In Canadian waters by 2am, started to get light by 3 and was treated to amazing sunrise soon after 4. 


Very pleased to report boots stood up to the test and kept feet snug - it was so cold ! 

Looking forward to the boat being legal again after clearing into Canada. Had so many different versions of how to proceed without a valid cruising permit in the US, with the latest being that as long as our intention was to leave the country we were fine. Didn’t want to push our luck by cruising too much of Maine. 
