First sail
Scot Free III
Frank & Anne
Sat 10 Jun 2023 21:35
Today looked promising, so started on the reefing lines. Did reef 3, then thought it might be better to set off and do them at the other end.
Hoisted the main fully, all good, the high cut yankee, also good, apart from lack of wind. Tried the staysail/storm gib it wouldn’t unfurl. F soon diagnosed the problem as halyard wrap (swivel too low on foil) Once the halyard was tightened fully, the staysail unfurled. 3 sails all good.
The wind dropped so decided to put the engine on. Usual procedure but nothing happened. Discovered the display on the rev counter was reading “software”. F spent alot of time down below, even taking a door off to access the electronics. The new system and old having a tiff about updates (nonsense on a boat!!! “MAYDAY MAYDAY please send lifeboat with latest software version on a memory stick). Started the engine with a screwdriver. Thinks…”he’d be good at nicking cars”!
Arrived at LaHave bakery and moored on their pontoon, just in time for a very late lunch.
The winches will be installed on the mast, here, tomorrow morning.
A glorious evening, only the second time we’ve eaten in the cockpit this year.