Challenging check lists

Scot Free III
Frank & Anne
Fri 3 Jun 2022 11:34
Wednesday turned out to be a bitterly cold day. 6 degrees became 1 with the wind chill factor- far too cold for any boat work.
Had to drive to Sydney to extend car hire for another week. Shopped for various boat bits, requiring a drive over to Baddeck again. The Freight Shed restaurant was open this time so holed up there for a while for lunch and to get warm. A spotted another couple- she reckoned they were doing the same. Sure enough when F spoke to them, they were the British couple who had left their boat during the pandemic in Baddeck. They’re ready and waiting for a weather window for the off.
Thursday - back to reasonable temperatures and sunshine. Arrived to find a mess of bird droppings and nesting materiel in the cockpit.

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End of boom and sail bag now been plugged with cloths etc to avoid future activity. Another clean up operation needed.
Started the engine, which promptly died, much head scratching and checklist consulting indicated a long-forgotten and obscure fuel cut-off - phew! Required 3 trugs of water and a hose to allow water to flow through the engine. Antifreeze flushed out, battery charging working and oil warmed for expensive oil change.

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A long day but enough progress to book lift in for Monday. Grocery shopping done, decided to try out The Cellar Bar, incorporating part of The Royal Bank’s original vaults as snugs. A really great venue, which we have only just discovered, with a distressed decor and good craft beers. Sadly no energy to return at 8pm for the comedy night.

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