Temperature Fall

Scot Free III
Frank & Anne
Sat 9 Oct 2021 19:45
Needed to go to the liquor store to stock up with some wine. Staff very well trained and knowledgable. Made us laugh, when asked what we wanted to pair the wines with - microwaveable healthy bowls, soup.
It’s a long weekend with Thanksgiving on Monday. An abundance of turkey and cranberry delights in the grocery stores in addition to a multitude of, early Halloween, pumpkins.
Sadly, the weather has turned after a glorious month. The leaves are turning ready for our leaf peeping at the end of next week. Now bitterly cold northerlies with showers and more frost advisories. The cormorants don’t seem to mind though.
F stoically completed the last of the winches. A meanwhile took refuge from the cold, did the laundry, then online grocery shop while it was drying, all in the warmth of the clubhouse.
J&B from the Motel provided a welcome distraction. They popped in to look at the boat, promising to return at the start of the season when all is neatly stowed. They invited us on board theirs, bought just before Covid, a perfect sailboat for the Bras D’Or Lakes complete with wood/charcoal burning stove. Will be very cosy. They’re looking forward to getting to know her next year.