
Scot Free III
Frank & Anne
Sat 1 Oct 2016 05:41
18:41.9N 23:23.5W

Only 140 miles to go! We have done almost 1000 miles so far and most of that at just slightly more than a brisk walking pace (average speed: 5.1 knots). That'll be 300 miles (correction: 80 miles, mistake corrected in next post. FM) more than we should have done, but mostly because it gave us a more comfortable ride early on. I suspect sailors are all slightly insane; we could have taken the Thompson flight last Saturday, spent the week on a beach and been heading back today with a decent tan.

Slight change of plan too. We were originally going to the island of Sal. It's the closest, and one of only two place where you can clear immigration/customs with a boat. It is also the best place to start a zig zag tour of all the islands and keep the wind behind you. But, the boat is covered in salt, needs a good hose down, as do we, and we want to fill up with water and do the laundry. So, it's Mindelo and the only marina in Cape Verde on the island of Sao Vicente.

Better news on the fishing front too. Just as we were about to serve dinner last night a very nice tuna decided it liked my new squid lure, we landed it and gave it a shot of rum. The tuna did a very good impersonation of "Barry the Bass" (that dreadful framed, plastic, singing fish of the 80's) and he is now in the fridge ready for lunch today.